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A reminder for myself.

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 The solitude here became more and more unbearable for me recently, which at first was diligently sought after on purpose by me last year-end.   A number of mistakes were committed in the course of teaching at the last school, which was revealed to me these days after an unusual talk on the phone with a junior former colleague at interning school.   She has made such a huge progress since then, and made herself through all toils to become a qualified and permanent teacher at a public school downtown.   Now a new goal is right before her again these days of this year, graduate school!   Even I would and should feel face flushed standing in front of her in person.  What have I done since we met several times in Changhwa city?  Have I gained any in wisdom, maturity, confidence, professional knowledge and skills since then?  Did I make less mistakes?  Did I become more true and audacious to be myself?  Did I become a better learner and a healthier and more sound person?  Did I even realize how much I possess in my congenital ability, or how far/ much I can achieve in reality?  Did I have a good understanding of me myself?  While answers to the above questions don’t seem to be all positive, another one occurs to me as well: am I defeated by my inner alter self, by being not able to get along well with specific persons, by giving up certain rare valuable opportunities and by blemishing my own reputation and by concerning far very much about other people’s feelings and judgment on me?  Goodness!  My seniority cannot afford spendthrift and carelessness of my own.  Should have been more wary and meticulous on each decision.  How can I turn it right?  Can I really be dependent on myself, on different mortal persons or on the invisible Almighty?

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前一天跟一位認識不久的朋友說好會去聚會,4月22日晚上,星期六晚上7:00我就去參加了,這次講的主題應該是宣教吧,講員(忘了她的名字?)放了幾段中天新聞的影片,他們人很好,連牧師都列席了耶…不過我跟他們說自己七月將要畢業回南部,有點疑惑這段期間到新教會的必要性,牧師頓了一下,我又稍微問了回高雄可以參加哪間教會等的…隔天早上果然有morning call的電話,但是!我跳起來按掉還關機了!唉呀,我失眠到早上才睡著阿,那怎麼辦阿,就這樣阿,又弄糟一件事了…


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  • Apr 16 Sun 2006 22:33


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鎮日足不出戶, 瀏覽網路的結果, 是看到一個英文老師的部落格, 其中談到國外求學遇到的歧視的經歷... ... ... 所以, 在異域求學 ... ...

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... 極懷疑自己太*ox#了...


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Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?"

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原來彰化有茶園, 很高的餐廳 , 還有駝鳥和小貓... 虧我硬是跟去了,

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... 首先必須再次澄清,東方主義是薩伊德成名著作書名Orientalism在中文中的一個對應 詞,它有相當具體的指涉,不能照字面的意思去理解為主張東方中心、倡導東方價值觀的一種主義。實際上,薩伊德筆下的東方主義代表著西方人的東方觀,它至少包含了以下的幾個方面:1西方的學者和作家對東方形象的建構;2那種長期以來的東西方二元對立、西方優秀東方低劣的模式;3西方列強設置的從事殖民事業的機構及其活動。...


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不知道是好是壞,星期一晚上的胡思亂想,結果星期二下午就跑去一間'命理店'了(oh no),就說要算自己的名字好不好,需不需要改名字,能不能畢業,請建議幾個名字,最後我就拿到數十個名字回來了。就是以前看到同學改過名字等等的,現在再看看自己的名字,很不喜歡,很討厭、很差、看不出性別、而且 想很久了。  

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初學語言可能發生聽錯的糗事,大概很經典吧,所以第二則出現在Douglas BrownThe Principles of Language Teaching書中,故事似乎有兩個版本:


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8. 敦煌英語教學電子雜誌(文章導覽區,可訂閱)


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